Phil is an associate professor of musicology at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. He is the author of the book Dig: Sound and Music in Hip Culture (a cultural history of hipness from the 1930s through the 1960s), the long-running blog Dial 'M' for Musicology, and various essays that have appeared in Representations, Journal of Musicology, Musical Quarterly, and elsewhere. With co-host J. F. Martel he is working on a book titled Weirding, to be published by Strange Attractor Press.
Phil is a pianist, rabid Wagnerite, crap Buddhist, degenerate fight fan, and avid consulter of the I Ching. He wishes that just for once he had an enthusiasm that he didn't have to apologize for or explain to his academic peers.
Phil Ford has hosted 195 Episodes.
Weird Stories: Arthur Machen's "The White People"
Episode | February 19th, 2018 | 1 hr 36 mins
audiobooks, machen, the white people, weird fiction
A complete reading of Arthur Machen's 1904 novella, "The White People," by co-host Phil Ford. This reading accompanies the upcoming episode of the Weird Studies podcast where J.F. and Phil plumb the imaginal depths of the classic weird tale.
Episode 2: Garmonbozia
Episode | February 1st, 2018 | 1 hr 26 mins
atomic bomb, cold war, demons, twin peaks
Phil and JF use Twin Peaks mythos to try to understand what it was that the detonation of atomic bomb brought into the world. Our answer: garmonbozia and plenty of it.
Episode 1: Introduction to Weird Studies
Episode | January 31st, 2018 | 32 mins 18 secs
art, fortean phenomena, nightmares, philosophy, weird studies
Phil and J.F. attempt to explain the non-existent field of Weird Studies.