J.F. Martel is an author, screenwriter, and film & TV director from Ottawa, Canada. His screen work includes French and English-language documentary series and features focused on culture and the arts. He is the author of Reclaiming Art in the Age of Artifice, a book about the nature and power of art published by Evolver Editions in 2015, and released in Spanish by Ediciones Atalanta in 2016. J.F.'s writings on art, culture and philosophy have appeared in Reality Sandwich, Metapsychosis, The Finch, Disinfo, and other online magazines.
J.F. Martel has hosted 194 Episodes.
Episode 2: Garmonbozia
Episode | February 1st, 2018 | 1 hr 26 mins
atomic bomb, cold war, demons, twin peaks
Phil and JF use Twin Peaks mythos to try to understand what it was that the detonation of atomic bomb brought into the world. Our answer: garmonbozia and plenty of it.
Episode 1: Introduction to Weird Studies
Episode | January 31st, 2018 | 32 mins 18 secs
art, fortean phenomena, nightmares, philosophy, weird studies
Phil and J.F. attempt to explain the non-existent field of Weird Studies.